In Memory


Bryan Ascher

Bryan William Ascher Born May 6, 1960 in Novato and shortly after moved with his family, Sandy and Doug, to their new Eichler home in Terra Linda. He attended local schools, Santa Margarita, Vallecito and Terra Linda High School. Bryan married Erin Mathews, first living in San Rafael and later, moving to Petaluma, where they raised their three children, Alex, Brooke, and Bella, and Bryan's best friend until the end, Jeb, the big yellow lab. Bryan is also survived by his younger sister, Amy, and spouse Bill Barr; his stepmother, Patricia; and many nieces and nephews. Bryan began his career in his father's company, Universal Light Source, a worldwide technical and scientific lighting supplier. Bryan had responsibility for helicopter search lights, primarily for national law enforcement, and medivac rescue helicopters. Bryan earned his pilot's license and enjoyed working with the airships and pilots, attending many national conventions. Bryan had a seizure in September 2018, which turned out to be a brain tumor. He completed the recommended treatment, and within six months, returned to manage our new satellite office in Petaluma. In May of 2019, we closed the S.F. office and transferred the entire operation to Petaluma. Bryan took over control as the CEO when his father retired. By September of 2020 there were signs of the cancer returning. In November, his speech and eyesight were failing, and he could not continue working. His father came back from retirement to run the operation. Bryan was a "bright light in the room, always good natured and humorous." He never had a bad word to say of anyone and did not want to hear negative remarks about others. He was highly praised by the Petaluma Police for his volunteer service during emergencies or weather-related crises, when additional help was needed. Bryan slowly lost ground to the disease, but not once did we hear a complaint from him. Bryan was predeceased by his mother Sandy; and older sister Stacey Ratto; his grandparents Geraldine and Warren Williams, former Postmaster of San Rafael for over 50 years; and grandmother Pearl Foley. 

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08/14/21 04:01 PM #1    

Matthew Hughes

So sorry to see Bryan passed away. Became friends with Bryan in grade school and enjoyed my first sleepover at his house. Ran into Bryan in 2018 and had a nice conversation. A very nice guy, Rest In Peace.

08/15/21 09:41 AM #2    

Joe Hersko

I'm very sad to hear about Bryan's passing. We were good friends growing up. It sounds like he had a very wonderful life and made a significant impact on the community. I remember our days playing together in Little League....a good friend who passed too early. 

08/15/21 01:06 PM #3    

Anne Medeiros (Dowell)

So very sorry to hear this.  I remember playing tetherball with him at Santa Margarita.  Such a great guy and definitely gone too soon. Sending prayers and condolences to his family.  

08/15/21 08:04 PM #4    

Mike Caldwell

I too knew Bryan from the early days at Santa Margarita, I think kindergarten. What a nice kid,  from the obit it sounds like he stayed that way, which is saying something in this crazy worl. Blessings and prayers to his family and friends, he will be missed!!

08/16/21 07:43 AM #5    

Bill Strauss

Yes, he was a good friend from Santa Margarita playground all the way through TLHS.  He will be missed. 

08/17/21 10:20 AM #6    

Brian Buckley

My Heart sank when I discovered this post.

     I met "Y" in kindergarten and traveled in all the same circle all the way through high school. Last we saw each other was discussing Tech stuff in 2015. condolences to the whole family!

RIP and Godspeed my friend,


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