In Memory

Charles Lee

Charles Lee

Please share your memories.

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09/22/08 07:42 PM #1    

Colleen Beery

My one memory of Charles was being in class with him for "Youth in the Law" with Alice Thomas. He and I were polar opposites in life experiences (I think he was mandated to go to that class and I was just naively curious about the legal field, thinking this was some pre-law career exploration class!) but somehow the two of us became friends for that one semester. I remember how that surprised us both! I hope he had a good life...

04/14/10 01:14 AM #2    

Kelly Albritton (Haber)

Charles was my first boyfriend way back in 7th grade, (He was good friends with Bill Young back then, he too has passed) we were together for 2 years. But would get back together off and on many times through the years. He had two sisters, Bonnie and Barbara, and his mom, Sandy was a second mom to me and I lived with them during my senior year.(Sandy passed away about 2 years before Charles). We used to go to China camp with Heinz and Donnie after High School and back in 1982 we ended up getting tattoos (his was an eagle and mine a rose with his initals of course)

When I was in basic training my drill seargent made us do tem push ups for every letter we got so Charles thought it was great fun to send a lot of them with nothing but "How was that 10, Love Chuck" written.

Charles married Lisa (it didn't work out)and they had a daughter, He was Assistant Manager of Contempo Marin back then, and we spent lots of late nights partying in the Hot Tub after hours.

He loved his convertable 67 Chevelle SS which he kept in perfect condition through the years, painted candy apple red with lots of chrome. He took me and my daughter for a ride in 2005 just before my grandaughter was born.

Through the years, no matter what was going on I could count on Charles, he was always there when I needed a friend, could always put a smile on my face and make me laugh.

When Charles died he and Nicole had been together for 14 years.

I am still trying to get used to the idea that he is gone. He was such a good friend and caring person. I will treasure the memories I have of him, and will miss him always.

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