In Memory

Russell Maul

Please share your memories of Russ.

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05/14/08 01:42 PM #1    

Jay Everingham

Russell Maul was family to me. My mom used to write his notes to get him out of school our senior year. He had this great dream of wanting to open a 30 minute oil change business. I used to think he was crazy. He proved me wrong.

When I left for college, my parents decided to mis-lead me as to the severity of his leukemia in an effort to keep me focused on college. They let me know the day he died and I carried him to his grave. I was priviledged to have known him.

06/22/08 07:29 PM #2    

Kris Humphrey (Browne)

I remember going water skiing one day with Russ, Jay and Russ' older brother, we all used to have so much fun together. Its been a long time, but I still think of those days often.

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