In Memory

Barry Grenell

Barry Grenell

Please share your memories of Barry.

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03/16/09 11:28 AM #1    

Mitch Waring

When I met Barry, I thought..Wow, this guy is weird as I can only assume many did in school. But believe it or not, Barry was like our school's own Chris Farley from Saturday Night Live. He acted out many times in an attempt to make people laugh or gain friends. Making friends at times in school wasn't easy, unless you fitted in.
When he was around most of the time, I just tolerated him. I worked with him once, along with Dwayne Green and Tim Green for a Circus at the Cow Palace. It was alot of fun, even though we were the grunts and clean-up crew. Barry Had me laughing constantly, especially when trying to clean up after an Elephant that wasn't done doing it's business during a performance. Barry tried like crazy to scoop up the mess and stay with the business end of the elephant as it turned on it's podium. I think even the crowd was amused watching Barry try.
Barry had his gross moments when I had been around him and times he just plain irritated me, But it wasn't until later, that I understood him more and saw he was just lonely and trying too hard to make friends. Barry, in his relm of comfort, had a big heart, was pretty intellegent and knowledgeable in his areas of interest and I am glad I got to see that. I lost touch with Barry after working with him at the circus. I hope his time he had left was good and fullfilling.

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